Feel more positive and optimistic

Life coaching in thame

There is a difference between being positive and being optimistic but learning to do both of these things at the same time will supercharge how you feel every day.

Mastering a positive mindset helps you to feel unshakable and recover from negative news and situations far quicker. You’re also more likely to make decisions that will have a more positive impact on your life so go after the things that make you happy – you start a positive cycle of events.

I can work with you to uncover what personal barriers you have to feeling more optimistic and creating/maintaining a positive mindset. After we’ve explored your barrier we’ll discuss practical solutions to overcome your barriers and super-charge your life and energy with more positivity. 

You can learn to bounce out of bed each morning and face whatever challenges life throws at you with a new mindset – a positive mindset that will make you feel great and become more resillient. 

Learn to relax and let go

Learn to let go life coaching

Relaxing and letting go come totally naturally to some – but for many of us, it’s a skill that we need to learn and practice. Whatever prevents you from letting go and just ‘being’ can be managed – but firstly you need to identify what those barriers are.

Letting go and learning to relax is extraordinarily good for you – you help your mind and body take a break from the often hecticness of life. Many people try to include meditation in their routine but get frustrated that they can’t do it or find it too hard and frustrating. 

As a pro at letting go and switching off to recharge and focus on ‘being’ – I can help you do the same. we’ll look at your barriers to relaxation, explore your unique personality type and how that plays a role, then develop personal strategies and tactics that help you to relax and recharge in a way that helps your mind and body ‘be’.

Having this relaxation time can help improve your creativity, focus, wellbeing, motivation and so much more. It’s funny how doing less at some points in time enables you to do more during the rest of the time. It’ll become slightly addictive when you know how and something you’ll be keen to keep in your routine! 

Feel good about setting personal boundaries

Life coaching in Thame

What stops you setting healthy personal boundaries? Do you feel guilty? Do you worry that people will think badly of you or talk about you? Do you think something bad will happen?

Setting boundaries in your life – whether that’s surrounding how you spend your time or how people treat you can have a transformative impact on your life – and how you feel. You can find a whole new self-respect for yourself by having healthy personal boundaries. Empower yourself! You deserve it. 

Setting personal boundaries will help you to spend time in a way that you want to and build relationships that bring you the treatment you want from others. You can use your personal boundaries inside and outside of work – in all aspects of your life! Using your boundaries inside work can also help you to avoid burnout.

I’ll work with you to feel good about taking charge of your personal boundaries. We’ll work together to define what boundaries you want to put in place and how to manage situations where those boundaries are compromised and challenged.

Feel more excited about your choices in life

Life coaching decision making Thame

Life changes and evolves all of the time – and what you want from it can change too.

What’s holding you back from making changes in your life that will bring you more happiness and satisfaction? Where there’s a will, there are many ways!

Choice is empowering and exciting – it doesn’t have to feel daunting. 

If you’re nervous about making big life decisions then I can help you explore:

  • What’s holding you back
  • How your personality impact the way you make decisions
  • How you can make positive change in your life now
  • How you can empower yourself to make decisions in the future

What people have to say about Laura and life coaching

…I had been struggling with my mental health, going round and round in circles stuck in a cycle of self-blame and thinking very negatively. Her perspective and her approach really helped me break some of those cycles. She would listen and interject with questions that made me think differently or question my own thought process….
Helen, Berkshire

…this helped me believe in myself. I think I had lost a bit of that, but Laura’s can-do spirit is infectious. I found her to be a positive force in exactly the right way.
Kevin, Oxfordshire

Laura’s coaching session helped me to overcome feeling overwhelmed by leaving my HR job to open my small business.
Slywia, Oxfordshire

…She is so good at what she does and I recommend anyone who feels a bit lost, or a bit doubtful in their decisions to just call her, even one phone call can save days of unproductivity.
Stephen, Bristol

Read the full quotes and more


Let’s talk about you can feel better about life

If you want help with anything listed on this page – or you have a question about another aspect of your life that you need help with the get in touch. I’d love to hear from you. 

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