Recover from burnout and avoid it in the future

thame life coach

Did you know that the average age of burnout is 32, but it can happen at any point in our lives! It can also happen more than once.

Burnout could be triggered by things like:

  • Jobs we don’t like
  • Unhappy relationships
  • Too much going on in life

Burnout can feel a lot like a combination of depression and anxiety.

Ask yourself these questions. If the answer is yes to more than a few of these questions then there’s a chance you’re experiencing burnout.

  • Do you struggle to get out of bed in the morning?
  • Do you want to sleep WAY more than usual? But then often you can’t sleep?
  • Do you feel sometimes feel fed up of what you do for a living – when you used to love it so much?
  • Do you turn to alcohol or drugs to relax and switch off?
  • Do you find it hard to eat right and exercise?
  • Do you often feel out of body?
  • Do you question what you’re doing with your life then carry on running the treadmill you’re on anyway?
  • Do you treat people differently from your usual persona?
  • Have you stopped caring about the outcome of your life so much?
  • Have you given up on doing the thing you love in life?
Recovery from burn-out thame life coaching

The good news is that recovery from any of these areas and managing them in future is totally possible – even if it doesn’t feel like it at the time.

Burnout is something that can become a thing of the past and something you can learn to avoid in future. It’s all about knowing your triggers and being confident about setting personal boundaries.

how I can help you recover from burnout

What’s triggers our burnout and how we recover from it is a totally personal journey – no two people are the same.

When we work together, I’ll help you to explore:

  • Your personal burnout triggers
  • Which strategies will work best for your recovery from burnout / how to get your energy back
  • How you can avoid and manage future triggering situations
  • Life changes you want to make as a result of learning about the above

why I feel so passionately about helping you recover from burnout

life coach in thame laura fellows

Taking control of a burnout situation is a lifesaver – I can say that from personal experience. There were times I thought I was losing my mind and times when I just didn’t care about myself or life anymore.

Since recovering from burnout, I’ve made a point of talking to others and helping people recover from similar situations. I’ve learnt a lot and now I can help bring hope and good vibes back into your life.

Get support – recover from a burnout situation

If this page resonates with you and you want help to recover from a burnout situation then let’s talk.

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